Influence of Rurality When Accessing Emergency Healthcare During Exacerbation of Asthma A Scoping Review

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Alannah Stoneley, Registered Paramedic; Bch (Hons)
Judith Anderson, PhD
Clare Sutton, MSc


Background: Asthma is a significant contributor of respiratory illness throughout Australia, taking a toll on all genders and age groups. The rural healthcare workforce is currently undersupplied, and this worsens with the degree of rurality posing disadvantages in healthcare access. Lower asthma-related mortality rates in metropolitan cities than other areas of Australia indicate a need to explore the extent of the impact that residing rurally has on access to emergency healthcare for asthma-related emergencies.

Methods: A scoping review of literature was conducted utilising the steps articulated in Peters et al. (2020)methodological approach. The databases: Cumulative Index to Nursing and Allied Health Literature (CINAHL), Emcare, Medline and PubMed were searched using key words. After screening 20 articles were included.

Results: Four main themes emerged including the impact of access to resources; individual behaviours and attitudes; education and health literacy; and rural clinician adherence to guidelines.

Conclusion: Several challenges are associated with living in rural areas which may impact patients ability to access emergency healthcare during an asthma-related emergency. Further research is recommended to determine the extent to which these challenges influence access to emergency healthcare and explore strategies to break down these barriers to ensure equitable emergency healthcare.

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How to Cite
Stoneley, A., Anderson, J., & Sutton, C. (2024). Influence of Rurality When Accessing Emergency Healthcare During Exacerbation of Asthma: A Scoping Review. International Journal of Paramedicine, (7), 131–145.


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