Paramedics’ Anxiety and Concerns Towards Attending Traumatic Events A Delphi Study

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Abdullah Alshamrani, PhD
Cameron M. Gosling, PhD
Sultan Alzobaidi, PhD
Eihab Khasawneh, PhD
Brett Williams, PhD



Trauma is a major problem in Saudi Arabia and a leading cause of mortality and morbidity in young age groups. In 2018, road traffic injuries and trauma were the second-leading cause of death after ischaemic heart disease. There is a lack of research that explores the psychological effects on emergency medical service (EMS) professionals of providing the required pre-hospital care for trauma cases. This study aims to identify which trauma cases cause the most anxiety and concern among a group of EMS professionals. 


A study using a two-round Delphi method was undertaken online with EMS professionals working for the Saudi Red Crescent Authority (SRCA) across the country. 


The response rate was 70% (n=14) at the end of round two. All participants were male and the majority of professionals who participated were from the capital city, representing 36%. Most of the professionals held a bachelor’s degree as the highest level of education (78%). The initial round generated one item that achieved 70% of the consensus; however, the second round did not achieve any consensus. The overall top item for the trauma cases that caused the most anxiety and concern as identified by respondents was road traffic collision.


Road traffic collisions are a leading cause of death and based on the respondents’ agreement they cause paramedics the most anxiety and concern of the cases they attend.

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How to Cite
Alshamrani, A., Cameron M, Alzobaidi , S., Khasawneh, E., & Williams, B. (2024). Paramedics’ Anxiety and Concerns Towards Attending Traumatic Events: A Delphi Study . International Journal of Paramedicine, (7), 83–93.
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